I woke up to the sun shining brightly on my face this morning. I had planned to sleep in till around noon but ended waking up two hours earlier. As usual, I decided to stay in bed for a good hour. Just rolling around, checking my phone, and contemplate in life (just kidding! i pretty much stare at the ceiling).
Then I had my cup of coffee and I'm ready to start my day. So as I'm writing this post, my cup is already full of nothing. Empty. Which reminds me of a photo I found on Facebook and posted it on my Instagram. It says, "PROCAFFEINATING: the tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee."
Well, that word just sums up my everyday life.

This morning's wake up call inspired me to publish this post today. Yes, I know summer is long gone and it's already October. But I woke up to a very fine day with the sunlight peeping through my window. So this is the perfect time to post a summer outfit. Hopefully this doesn't make you miss summer but rather enjoy the weather out today! As for me, I'll probably be staying in all day. Lame, I know.
To be honest, my summer this year wasn't an enjoyable on. And I very much regret it. I have been working a lot and didn't really have a lot of free time to go out. Although I went to Canada's Wonderland, an amusement park, three times. Perks of having a season pass! So that was super fun and I absolutely love roller coasters! But I never got the chance to go to the beach (well, there's that one time but it was mainly for a collaboration photo shoot). So by the end of summer when a few friends decided to visit the beach, I had to go! Sadly, it rained like crazy by mid-afternoon and had gotten a little cold. Didn't stop me from taking an outfit shoot though. Style over comfort right?

hat Anthropologie | dress Brandy Melville | cardigan Garage

Love the bright colour of the dress!